

血中レプチン高値は高血圧と関連 [MESA]
Allison MA, et al. Higher leptin is associated with hypertension: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. J Hum Hypertens. 2013; 27: 617-22.

低リスクの集団において,脈波伝播速度(PWV),脈圧,頸動脈/大腿動脈プラーク数は,心血管疾患死亡リスク予測能を改善する [3rd Toulouse MONICA Survey]
Bérard E, et al. Pulse wave velocity, pulse pressure and number of carotid or femoral plaques improve prediction of cardiovascular death in a population at low risk. J Hum Hypertens. 2013; 27: 529-34.

収縮期血圧×脈拍の二重積は,収縮期血圧および脈拍そのものを超えるリスク予測能の改善を示さず [IDACO]
Schutte R, et al.; International Database on Ambulatory blood pressure in relation to Cardiovascular Outcomes (IDACO) Investigators. Double product reflects the predictive power of systolic pressure in the general population: evidence from 9,937 participants. Am J Hypertens. 2013; 26: 665-72.

分岐鎖アミノ酸の摂取量が多いと糖尿病発症リスクが低下 [高山コホート研究]
Nagata C, et al. Branched-chain amino acid intake and the risk of diabetes in a Japanese community: The Takayama Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2013; 178: 1226-32.

NT-proBNP値は糖尿病発症リスクと負の関連 [ARIC]
Lazo M, et al. NH2-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide and risk of diabetes. Diabetes. 2013; 62: 3189-93.

レチノール結合蛋白4(RBP4)は女性の糖尿病発症リスクと関連 [ARIC]
Luft VC, et al. Retinol binding protein 4 and incident diabetes - the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC Study). Rev Bras Epidemiol. 2013; 16: 388-97.

血中乳酸値は糖尿病発症リスクと関連 [ARIC]
Juraschek SP, et al. Plasma lactate and diabetes risk in 8045 participants of the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study. Ann Epidemiol. 2013;

ケトン体(アセト酢酸,βヒドロキシ酪酸)高値は,インスリン分泌異常を介して耐糖能悪化や糖尿病発症リスクと関連 [METSIM Study]
Mahendran Y, et al. Association of ketone body levels with hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes in 9,398 Finnish men. Diabetes. 2013; 62: 3618-26.

高齢者のhsCRP高値は,総コレステロール値と冠動脈疾患発症リスクとの関連を弱める [ARIC]
Whelton SP, et al. Elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein as a risk marker of the attenuated relationship between serum cholesterol and cardiovascular events at older age. The ARIC Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2013; 178: 1076-84.

体脂肪分布と心血管疾患・癌・全死亡リスク: 心血管疾患および癌の発症と関連するのは内臓脂肪 [Framingham Heart Study]
Britton KA, et al. Body fat distribution, incident cardiovascular disease, cancer, and all-cause mortality. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2013; 62: 921-5.

東アジアでは,BMIと心血管疾患はU字の関連 [Asia Cohort Consortium]
Yu Chen, et al. Association between body mass index and cardiovascular disease mortality in east Asians and south Asians: pooled analysis of prospective data from the Asia Cohort Consortium. BMJ. 2013; 347: f5446. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.f5446

青年期~成人期における血清遊離脂肪酸と肥満・インスリン抵抗性・心血管危険因子との関連 [米国の15~22歳の207人とその親272人]
Frohnert BI, et al. Relation between serum free fatty acids and adiposity, insulin resistance, and cardiovascular risk factors from adolescence to adulthood. Diabetes. 2013; 62: 3163-9.

「座る状況」と死亡リスク: テレビ鑑賞の着席時間は全死亡リスクと関連するが,車やバスでの着席時間,および仕事での着席時間は関連なし [Multiethnic Cohort Study]
Kim Y, et al. Association between various sedentary behaviours and all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality: the Multiethnic Cohort Study. Int J Epidemiol. 2013; 42: 1040-56.

太極拳の実施は,ウォーキングやジョギングと同様に全死亡および心血管疾患死亡リスクを低下させる [Shanghai Men's Health Study]
Wang N, et al. Associations of Tai Chi, walking, and jogging with mortality in Chinese men. Am J Epidemiol. 2013; 178: 791-6.

睡眠時無呼吸は無症候性心筋傷害と関連 [ARIC-Sleep Heart Health Studies]
Querejeta Roca G, et al. Sleep apnea is associated with subclinical myocardial injury in the community: The ARIC-SHHS Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2013;

日本人のHDL-Cレベルはこの20年間で顕著に上昇 [メタ解析]
Yokoyama S, et al. High-density lipoprotein levels have markedly increased over the past twenty years in Japan. J Atheroscler Thromb. 2013;

血管内皮細胞成長因子(VEGF),脳由来神経栄養因子(BDNF)は脳卒中/一過性脳虚血リスクと負の関連 [Framingham Heart Study]
Pikula A, et al. Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor and vascular endothelial growth factor levels are associated with risk of stroke and vascular brain injury: Framingham Study. Stroke. 2013; 44: 2768-75.

認知機能検査結果および脳MRI所見の組み合わせと脳卒中および認知症発症リスク [Framingham Offspring Study]
Weinstein G, et al. Brain imaging and cognitive predictors of stroke and Alzheimer disease in the Framingham Heart Study. Stroke. 2013; 44: 2787-94.

脳卒中各病型における予後,および二次予防効果 [Korean Stroke Registry]
Kim D, et al.; for Korean Stroke Registry investigators. Secondary prevention by stroke subtype: a nationwide follow-up study in 46 108 patients after acute ischaemic stroke. Eur Heart J. 2013; 34: 2760-7.

梗塞部位別の心筋梗塞発症率および致死率: 下壁・前壁・側壁梗塞では低下傾向だが,多部位梗塞では改善はみられず [ARIC]
Newman JD, et al.; ARIC Study Investigators. Trends in myocardial infarction rates and case fatality by anatomical location in four United States communities, 1987 to 2008 (from the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study). Am J Cardiol. 2013;

服薬アドヒアランスと臨床経過: 心血管イベントの一部(欧米で約9%)は,服薬アドヒアランス不十分により発生している [メタ解析]
Chowdhury R, et al. Adherence to cardiovascular therapy: a meta-analysis of prevalence and clinical consequences. Eur Heart J. 2013; 34: 2940-2948.

ヒースロー空港における航空機の騒音レベルは脳卒中,冠動脈疾患,心血管疾患による入院および死亡のリスクを増加させる [ロンドン西部に居住する360万人]
Hansell AL, et al. Aircraft noise and cardiovascular disease near Heathrow airport in London: small area study. BMJ. 2013; 347: f5432.



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