

左右の腕の収縮期血圧差が大きいと,心血管疾患発症リスクが高い [Framingham Heart Study]
Weinberg I, et al. The systolic blood pressure difference between arms and cardiovascular disease in the Framingham Heart Study. Am J Med. 2014; 127: 209-15.

長期的にみた微小粒子状物質(PM2.5)への曝露の増加は高血圧発症リスク [カナダの約3万5000人]
Chen H, et al. Spatial association between ambient fine particulate matter and incident hypertension. Circulation. 2014; 129: 562-9.

妊娠高血圧は将来の高血圧,高脂血症および糖尿病発症リスクと関連 [Japan Nurses' Health Study]
Kurabayashi T, et al. Pregnancy-induced hypertension is associated with maternal history and a risk of cardiovascular disease in later life: Japanese cross-sectional study. Maturitas. 2013; 75: 227-31.

CVDリスクからみた自由行動下血圧のカットオフ値 [IDACO]
Gu YM, et al.; International Database on Ambulatory blood pressure in relation to Cardiovascular Outcomes (IDACO) Investigators. Outcome-driven thresholds for ambulatory pulse pressure in 9938 participants recruited from 11 populations. Hypertension. 2014; 63: 229-37.

LDL-C低値にもかかわらず代用指標(non-HDL-C,apoB,LDL粒子数)が高値の女性では,冠動脈イベント発症リスクが高い [WHI]
Mora S, et al. Discordance of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol with alternative LDL-related measures and future coronary events. Circulation. 2014; 129: 553-61.

small dense LDL-C高値は冠動脈疾患発症の危険因子 [ARIC]
Hoogeveen RC, et al. Small Dense Low-Density Lipoprotein-Cholesterol Concentrations Predict Risk for Coronary Heart Disease: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2014 ; 34: 1069-77.

インスリン抵抗性は心不全発症リスクと関連 [ARIC]
Vardeny O, et al. Insulin Resistance and Incident Heart Failure: The ARIC Study (Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities). JACC Heart Fail. 2013; 1: 531-536.

妊娠前の肥満は,出産後の脳卒中および心筋梗塞発症リスクと関連(追跡期間中央値4.5年) [デンマークの全国調査]
Schmiegelow MD, et al. Prepregnancy obesity and associations with stroke and myocardial infarction in women in the years after childbirth: a nationwide cohort study. Circulation. 2014; 129: 330-7.

ダイエット飲料を飲んでいる過体重・肥満の米国人は,砂糖添加飲料を飲んでいる過体重・肥満の人にくらべて固形食物からのカロリー摂取量が多い [NHANES]
Bleich SN, et al. Diet-beverage consumption and caloric intake among US adults, overall and by body weight. Am J Public Health. 2014; 104: e72-8.

心房細動は将来の心筋梗塞発症リスク(とくに女性,黒人) [REGARDS]
Soliman EZ, et al. Atrial fibrillation and the risk of myocardial infarction. JAMA Intern Med. 2014; 174: 107-14.

静脈血栓塞栓症を有する女性および若年男性は,動脈血栓症のリスクが高い [Thomso Study+Diet, Cancer and Health Study]
Lind C, et al. Impact of incident venous thromboembolism on risk of arterial thrombotic diseases. Circulation. 2014; 129: 855-63.

高感度心筋トロポニンIは心血管イベント発症リスクの独立した予測因子 [MORGAM Biomarker Project (スコットランドコホート)]
Zeller T, et al.; MORGAM Investigators. High population prevalence of cardiac troponin I measured by a high-sensitivity assay and cardiovascular risk estimation: the MORGAM Biomarker Project Scottish Cohort. Eur Heart J. 2014; 35: 271-81.

脳血管運動反応性(cerebral vasomotor reactivity)低値は全死亡リスクと関連 [Rotterdam Study]
Portegies ML, et al. Cerebral vasomotor reactivity and risk of mortality: the Rotterdam Study. Stroke. 2014; 45: 42-7.

血中のCD40+B細胞は脳卒中リスク低下,CD86+B細胞は脳卒中リスク増加と関連 [Malmo Diet and Cancer Study]
Mantani PT, et al. Circulating CD40+ and CD86+ B cell subsets demonstrate opposing associations with risk of stroke. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2014; 34: 211-8.

内因性炎症関連物質alarmin(S100 A8またはA9)の血中濃度は,冠動脈イベント発症,心血管疾患死亡リスクと関連 [Malmo Diet and Cancer Study]
Cotoi OS, et al. Plasma S100A8/A9 correlates with blood neutrophil counts, traditional risk factors, and cardiovascular disease in middle-aged healthy individuals. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2014; 34: 202-10.

腎遠位ネフロンのNaチャネルの調節を司るNEDD4L蛋白の遺伝子多型は,血圧高値,CVD発症・死亡リスク,冠動脈疾患リスクと関連するが,脳卒中リスクとは関連せず [Malmo Diet and Cancer Study]
Dahlberg J, et al. Genetic variation in NEDD4L, an epithelial sodium channel regulator, is associated with cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular death. J Hypertens. 2014; 32: 294-9.

hepdicin(鉄代謝を制御するペプチドホルモン)の血中濃度は,閉経後女性における動脈硬化の度合いと関連 [Nijmegen Biomedical Study]
Galesloot TE, et al. Serum hepcidin is associated with presence of plaque in postmenopausal women of a general population. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2014; 34: 446-56.

骨密度が低いと脳卒中発症リスクが高い [EPIC-Norfolk]
Myint PK, et al. Bone mineral density and incidence of stroke: European prospective investigation into cancer-norfolk population-based study, systematic review, and meta-analysis. Stroke. 2014; 45: 373-82.

ベジタリアン食は血圧低下と関連 [メタ解析]
Yokoyama Y, et al. Vegetarian Diets and Blood Pressure: A Meta-analysis. JAMA Intern Med. 2014; 174: 577-87.

コーヒーの量と心血管疾患リスクは非線形の関連:1日3~5杯の人でもっともリスクが低く,大量に飲む人ではリスク増加 [メタ解析]
Ding M, et al. Long-term coffee consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and a dose-response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Circulation. 2014; 129: 643-59.

肝酵素GGT,ALPは全死亡リスクの独立した予測因子 [メタ解析]
Kunutsor SK, et al. Liver enzymes and risk of all-cause mortality in general populations: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Epidemiol. 2014; 43: 187-201.

不安の度合いが高いと脳卒中発症リスクが高い [NHANES I]
Lambiase MJ, et al. Prospective study of anxiety and incident stroke. Stroke. 2014; 45: 438-43.

種々の精神障害(うつ,アルコール関連障害,統合失調症など)が,診断時期(徴兵時/後年)を問わず,冠動脈疾患発症リスクと関連 [スウェーデン徴兵登録者]
Gale CR, et al. Mental disorders across the adult life course and future coronary heart disease: evidence for general susceptibility. Circulation. 2014; 129: 186-93.



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